Web designing Contract

This contract is concluded after agreeing on the type and details of the service proposed to be provided, including the fees, on the day of:    DATE
This was done between two parties:
First Party: Mr./      Client Name        Holding Civil ID No.:      88888888888
The second party:      One Terra Solutions Comapny, headquartered in Kuwait – Hawally – Tunis Street.
This contract is divided into several clauses, which are as follows:
Annual subscription
The duration of this contract is one calendar year, starting from its date, and it is automatically renewed unless the first party requests the second party to stop the service 14 days before the next renewal date.
Agreed fees
It was agreed that the first party would pay the second party an amount amounting to: the amount as a fee for the service provided, and the first party pledged to continue paying these fees annually to maintain its website and its content. He also pledges to pay the renewal fees 7 days before the end of the contract each year, so that the second party can renew the subscription. Also, if the first party fails to pay for any reason or circumstance, it has no right to demand any financial compensation from the second party, and the second party has the right to disconnect the site and all services related to it directly and without notifying the first party of that.
The mentioned fees cover the following
Domain name
Site encryption (lock)
Editing before and after publication
The first party can request simple amendments without an additional fee during the website creation period, which is 14 days from the date of this contract. This will be done exclusively before the website is published on the Internet by the second party. As for adding a feature or any radical change to the characteristics of the site or the way the platform works, it is subject to additional fees depending on its type, and the first party bears those fees that result from adding it after confirming its request for it from the second party.
Any amendment requested by the first party after the specified period will be subject to an additional fee of an amount for each amendment. Amendment fees are paid in advance. If implementation is not possible for any reason, new fees will be calculated and this will be considered an amendment or new request.
Content on the site
The first party undertakes to provide all images and content of its website to the second party within a period not exceeding 14 days from the date of concluding this contract. The first party also acknowledges that the content provided to the second party falls under its full responsibility and the second party does not bear any legal liability regarding the copyright of the content.
Duration of delivery and publication
It was agreed between the two parties that the time period for implementing the website/e-store design service is 14 days from the date of concluding this contract. The first party is obligated to receive the passwords for its site during this period, and they cannot be bypassed in any way or under any circumstances. The second party is also considered to have completed the service completely and finally for the first party after the expiry of the aforementioned period, and full responsibility for the site and its services passes directly to the first party.
Payment gateways in the online store
All agreements and contracts related to payment gateways and their service providers, in addition to the agreed upon fees, are the exclusive responsibility of the first party, and the second party does not bear any responsibility or fees resulting from their use by any party. Including, but not limited to, fraud, theft in all its forms and types, data breaches or misuse.
Confidentiality of the information
All data exchanged between the two parties is subject to strict confidentiality, and both parties undertake not to disclose any private or public information or data related to the completion of the work or personal data to any party.
The first party acknowledges that he has read all the terms of this contract and understood them well. He also denies ignorance and that he fully and completely acknowledges and agrees to all the terms before signing the contract.